How To Pass the ITIL Foundation Multiple Choice Exam

Did you know that multiple choice exams, especially the ITIL Foundation Exam, are actually quite tricky to pass - especially if you are an experienced Service Professional and you have studied carefully!!

Several, long-time Service Managers, have reportedly failed because they 'read too much into the answers' or they 'tried to apply what they know from their own experience - rather than the ITIL material'. They reported that they 'listened' to their own inner voices too much and basically talked themselves out of the right answer!!

Let me explain a bit more...

Multiple Choice Exam Questions are structured in several different ways with a root question and several possible branch answers.

For example, look at this question...

Q1. Which of these tasks are regarded as proactive?

1. Collecting statistics regarding Known Errors.
2. Reviewing incident and problem analysis reports to identify trends.
3. Preventing problems in one service being replicated in another.
4. Identifying the root cause of incidents.

A. l & 4.
B. 1,2 & 3.
C. 2 & 3.
D. l & 3.

You have to read each possible Answer A to D and then validate each statement carefully. Then, through elimination determine the correct answer.

What do you think the answer is?

But what if you are 'stuck' between two answers. What if your inner voice tells you that both answers are correct? How can you quickly rationalise your thinking and get to the right answer?
Well, researchers have produced quite a lot of useful material on this topic and I have painfully distilled it into just three special articles.

You can reach them here...

New! The above link now includes a FREE Exam Paper - Ready to download.

That's 40 full exam questions, plus the answers at the back.

Great for revising and practising!

Foundation Success is the new Blog that's dedicated to providing ITIL Foundation students with key tips, hints and insights into studying for and taking the multiple choice exam.

Oh, the answer was C by the way!