New Zealand Service Management forum puts IT in its place

Article from "Computerworld", New Zealand, Wellington. By Stephen Bell.

When the IT Service Management Forum spells its abbreviation itSMF, technicians should be forewarned.

Part of the forum’s mission is to cultivate respect for the importance of properly managing the services that use and surround IT, and to put the technology back in its proper subordinate place. “The IT technicians’ attitude has historically been very much one of looking into the datacentre”, rather than outward at the efficient management of the services provided to the business inculcating disciplines and managing the risks of providing that service, says Paul Muller, HP Australia’s representative on the forum.

The year-old New Zealand chapter, itSMFnz, will hold a “launch event” — essentially a conference to explain what it’s all about — next week in Auckland on February 21, Wellington on February 23 and Christchurch on February 25.

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