Planning For Value With ITIL, Cobit and the Capability Maturity Model

Learn more about the Butler Groups approach to Strategic IT Planning, including IT Service Management, Cobit and the Capability Maturity Model. [Written by Tim Jennings]

This link (to a Butler Group White Paper) addresses the central issue that Project Investments are often made on the basis of resource and asset availability rather than the taking into account the demands and requirements of the business. This excellent paper examines the issues of Strategic Planning and offers some advice and guidance, including a suggested tool set for helping you overcome these issues.

The toolset recommended provides IT Financial Management capability within ITIL projects and addresses all aspects of IT Financial Management including planning investments, defining the IT budget, optimising the allocation of resources, and reporting on the progress of new initiatives and maintenance activities.

To learn more please click on the link below.

Access the Full Article Here

For details on the Butler Group please visit…

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