If you have embarked on any process improvement activity lately then you really should check out this presentation covering over 50 key Do´s and Dont´s of Process Improvement.
Vital lessons learnt from hard experience. Accessing this link could be a wise investment and save you many hours worth of hassle and undue concern.
Although not explicitly ITIL specific - these great tips apply to ALL Process Improvement Activities.
This presentation is attriubted to Pat O´Toole of PACT (Process Assessment, Consulting and Training). For more information contact:- PACT 1316 Summit Oaks Burnsville, MN 55337 Toll free: (877) 432-PACT (7228) Cell: 612-387-PACT (7228) PACT.otoole@att.com
The link below is to a rapidly flowing presentation pack (in PDF format) covering which things to ensure you do and which things to avoid across a spectrum of Process Impovement areas, such as:-
- The Capability Maturity Model
- Measurement
- Processes
- Behavioural Change
- Key Performance Areas
The presentation pack covers other things such as rewards systems, leadership in improvement, establishing process architecture and becomming a learning organization.
Access the presentation now (PDF file)