Further Conference Coverage From Don Casson, CEO, Evergreen Systems INC.
Hi Guys,
I continue to be primarily show floor bound!
What I have noticed is a fair amount of innovative software thinking on the periphery of the core, established service management suites.
Areas to explore further are more intelligent approaches to automated discovery and reconciliation of IT asset information, innovation in the areas of service catalogs and general pre-packaging of service workflows, and more thinking around how to help the IT organization use (decisioning) the data that for some is now being gathered and stored consistently over time.
Another of the questions we asked on the ITIL maturity benchmark was, “Describe the speed at which ITIL awareness is rising with senior IT management (of your company) over the past 12 months.” Choices included not at all, slow, moderate, rapidly, and very rapidly.
From a quick scan of the data, 75% of the responses appear to be either moderate or rapid, with those being roughly even. Moderate is not bad, and rapid is ok too. The good news is the pace is good enough to sustain the momentum, as ultimately any grassroots ITIL service management.
Don Casson