We are currently looking for one more talented guest reporter to cover the forthcoming US itSMF Conference next week.
*We've already got two brilliant volunteers to provide us with their thoughts and views on the conference next week... we just need one more person to complete the team*
The goal is for you to provide a brief summary of the presentations that you attended that particular day and to highlight any valuable points raised such as:-
- New ideas
- Hot tips
- Latest trends
- New Buzzwords in ITIL
- Latest Product News
- What's the audience is saying
- Any new approaches to traditional aspects of ITIL
You can e-mail me your thoughts and I'll make sure they are published on Dr. ITIL at the close of each day to share with our visitors.
It should create a real 'buzz' and energy around conference time!
Think about it - you would be sharing your words with over 15,000 people in each month across the US, Europe, Australia, Japan and China.
In return, you will get a nice free advertising slot on 'Dr. ITIL' for your companies products or services - as a special 'thank-you' for sharing your thoughts with the ITIL world via Dr. ITIL.
Alternatively, we can always make you 'anonymous' with a special identity if you would prefer.
It could be the start of your ITIL journalist/Blogging career!
So, if you are up for supporting this exciting new venture, you can email me directly here at robert@dritil.com.
Happy ITIL'ing!
Robert Ewloe
Chief Blogger